Tyler King

Mr. King, the principal biologist for DexBender joined the firm in 1988 and has over 35 years of experience working in Florida’s upland and wetland environments. His responsibilities includes project management, oversight of all environmental permitting, environmental studies, permit compliance, and preparation of mitigation, maintenance, and monitoring plans for the firm. Procures environmental permits (local: city and county, state: WMD, FDEP, FFWCC, and federal: USACOE, USEPA-NPDES, USFWS). Conducts mitigation analysis, design, construction plans, contract management, conservation easements, inspection, obtains official jurisdictional determinations from the USACOE, WMD, and FDEP; conducts protected species surveys; prepares due diligence reports and maps. Obtains protected species incidental take and relocation permits.


  • Bachelor of Science – Major; Biology/Zoology – Northeast Louisiana University, 1981


  • Coastal Conservation Association

  • Real Estate Investment Society